I have started to reach out and build some relationships with other bloggers in the community. One such blogger runs a blog called My Side Hustle: Generating multiple income streams over in the UK. I was especially interested in this because it was one of my motivations for creating this blog (multiple streams of income;financial freedom;budgeting;etc).

Creating a Budget

I’ve often thought about doing a series of posts on budgeting. It turns out that there is a very nice article over on My Side Hustle which does a great job at explaining how to get started making a budget. She goes over reasons why you need one to begin with, gives you a step-by-step plan on creating a budget, and some extra tips. She also provides a couple of templates for creating your own budget.

Below is a snippet from My Side Hustle. While you’re there, check out some of the other content. There are a lot of great articles on various subjects from Good Financial habits to budgeting to drop-shipping T-shirts.



I know the thought of creating a budget doesn’t sound like a lot of fun but if you want financial security and to reach your financial goals than creating a budget and tracking your expenses is vital. I have created an easy to follow step-by-step plan below with a downloadable monthly template. Why should you […]

via How to create a budget — My Side Hustle

Sharing Community

I like the idea of helping others who are going through the same thing as me get exposure, so I’ll probably try to make this a regular bit. If you know of someone who would might have content to share that is similar to what we do here at Big Guy on Stuff, let me know in the comments!

Posted by Tommy

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